Product Description
Wapsi Starter Fly Tying Kits
The Wapsi Starter Kit KITW1 includes the tools materials (and handbook) to tie the following 10 fly patterns:
* Wooly Bugger
* All Purpose Nymph
* San Juan Worm
* Stretch Tubing Scud
* Foam Beetle
* Poly Caddis
* Brassie
* Bead Head Caddis Larva
* Fur Ant
* Inchworm
The Wapsi Starter Kit KITW3 includes all of the materials to tie the above mentioned flies but does not include the tools.
The second version, the Wapsi Deluxe Starter Kit KITW5, is an expanded kit with DVD, which includes the necessary tools and materials to tie the 10 patterns above in addition to the following 7 patterns:
* Poly Spinner
* Cone Head Rabbit Streamer
* CDC Emerger
* Soft Hackle Wet
* Cone Head Leech
* Deer Hair Bug
* Clouser Minnow